"Hot Off The Press", 2011, on view in "Last Call" Show at College of Marin, April to mid-May
The design of this wearable dress made from sewn and fused Blue NY Times plastic bags, changed from a formal evening gown into a skimpy cocktail dress, embellished with trim made from the printed matter. While running my Clover iron down the seams, the title "Hot Off the Press" flashed into my Mind's Eye! Given the relationship between the newspaper media and the heat fusion technique, I decided that it was time to write a new blog called "Hot Off the Press". Check out my wearable arts made out of recyclable bags at http://hotoffthepressfromelisecheval.blogspot.com. In addition, I am creating a new website called "pipinghotoffthepress" because "hotoffthepress" is not available and the word "piping" refers to sewing. Furthermore, a new CAFE called MAD has sparked my interest in creating a website that will run on many platforms. My current website, built on WIX editor, has a FLASH-y drive, and does not run on iPhone or iPad, thanks to Apple's war with Adobe. I have done well for the past 3 years photographing my work and editing with Photoshoppe, but the time has come to bring on board a professional.
Hot Off The Press, sewn and fused NY Times bags, 2011
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