Hi Folks,
I'm happy to report that my wearable art, "Breaking Out", made with vinyl, velcro and eggshells was mentioned today in the Marin IJ Newspaper by the Unknown Museum's former curator, Mickey McGowan. A member of the art group I belong to, PleXus, www.plexusartgroup.com , Roni Mentzer was mentioned for her "fetching" wedding dress made out of plastic SF Chronicle newspaper bags called "From the Doormat to the Threshold". Go to http://www.marinij.com/marinnews/ci_13304968?IADID=Search-www.marinij.com-www.marinij.com and read the article in it's entirety. In addition, two other members, Susan Doyle and Juline Beier have pieces in this juried show at the O'Hanlon Art Center through September 30, in Mill Valley.
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